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Children & Youth Ministries
Adult Ministry
Event Photos
Audio Sermons
Video Sermons
Livestream Service
Podcast - End Times Series
Podcast - Probing Proverbs
Podcast - The Parables in the Bibl
Items 1
Use tab to navigate through the menu items.
The Conclusion of the Ma
tter - Pastor Robert Wall
The Glory of Christ
mas - Pastor Robert Wall
Christmas Musical - Cele
brate the Saviour
December 10th - Jus
t an Ordinary Night
December 3rd - The Believ
er's Help in Prayer
November 26th - IT WILL BE W
November 19th -
A Monday Mindset
November 19th - Content
ment: Resting in God's Care
November 2nd - Th
ere's nobody at Bethesda
November 1st - What kind of Fait
h do you have?
October 29th - Set your Heart to Se
ek the Lord
October 29th - Jesus is t
he Light of the World
October 15th - Sins
Wages vs. God's Gift
October 8th - Give Th
October 1st - Who's on
the Throne?
September 27th - These
September 26th - Co
ntending for the Faith
September 25th - Follow
ing the Steps of Christ
September 24th
- God is Worthy
September 24t
h - The Good News
September 17th - A
bounding in Grace
10th - A Rekindled Love
September 10t
h - Reminders we all need
September 3rd - It is Time to Seek the
August 27th - Fa
mily Resemblances
August 20th - Lesson from
the Wilderness
August 16th - In the
Greatness of His Presence
August 13th - Lessons f
rom a Drought
August 13th - Fo
reigner or Family
August 6th - Love
in the Truth
July 30th - Confide
nt Christianity
July 23rd - David's
Great Sin
July 16th - Be Co
nvinced by the Witness
July 9th - Salvati
on is more than Heaven
July 2nd - The Results o
f God's Love
June 25th - God i
s Love
June 18th - The Cost of Dou
bting Kindness
June 11th - A Place
at the King's Table
June 4th - Trut
h in Testing
June 4th - All i
n for Him
May 28th - A Pro
per view of Life
May 28th - Wha
t do you see?
May 21st - When God's Plan is
not our Plan
May 14th - The Second Ti
me's a Charm
May 7th - God's W
ork - God's Way
April 30th - Lessons King Sa
ul Never Learned
April 30th - A True and L
iving Faith
April 23rd - The Fragr
ance of your Life
April 23rd - BE WHAT YOU ARE
April 16th - Are you
April 9th - The Angel's Message
on Resurrection Morning
April 4th - From F
ear to Praise
April 4th - It shal
l not be so
April 4th - The Char
acteristics of David
April 3rd - 2 Ch
ronicles 15:1-7
April 3rd - The Greatne
ss of our God
April 2nd - Things to Consider about
God's Work in this World
April 2nd - 3 Unique Aspects of th
e Shepherds & his Sheeps
March 26th - Pilate's Troub
led Conscience
March 19th - Trials on the Way to th
e Cross
March 12th - Surrou
nded by Sorrow
February 26th - The d
ifference Compassion will make
February 26th - Stand
ing in God's Courtroom
February 19th - The Priority of the Wor
d of God
February 12th - Living
on Purpose
February 12th - Winning
at Home
February 5th - It'
s time to Grow Up
January 29th- Check yo
ur Compass
January 22nd - Security in Jehova's Supremacy
January 22nd - Comp
lete in Him
January 15th- Ro
oted in Christ
January 15th- T
he Conflict of the Cross
January 8th- Concer
n for the Church
January 1st - Fulfilling
God's Plan
2022 Sermon Archives
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