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Dear FaithWay Baptist Church Family and Friends,


For the past several weeks, we have not been able to "assemble" together as a church family. You have been faithful and have encouraged my heart and each other in many, many ways. It is a great blessing to announce that we are going to re-open for church  this coming Sunday, June 14 for the morning service. We will continue our live-streaming for all services as we have been doing for the past few months.


With the restrictions that have been established, we will use the following plan for this coming Sunday, making adjustments for the following weeks as we see necessary.


1.   We will have three services, 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Please understand  that at this time we are not able to provide any nursery or child-care for these services. Since we will be live streaming  two morning services, we will not be able to have the Children's Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. until we can develop a plan to do so.


2.   We will be limiting the attendance for each service to 125 as we are allowed to have 30% of our building's capacity. These services will be the same, so you can choose which one to attend. The first 125 that RSVP through our website: will be allowed to attend.



3.    Family units will sit together and must socially distance themselves from others.  We have marked off every other pew to help with the distancing requirements.


4·   If you would feel more comfortable wearing a mask, that is perfectly fine but not required.  Certainly, if yon have any symptoms that would cause concern, please stay at home until you are well and able to attend without putting anyone else's health at risk.


5.  Room 100 will be set up for mothers with infant children, and those who may want to come but are uncomfortable in the auditorium due to your own health conditions.


6.  Parents of toddlers that may not be able to sit through a service will be encouraged to sit in the foyer an d watch on the screen there. We would ask that you do your best to keep your children quiet during the service as the noise i n the foyer can be heard in the auditorium .


7.   We will not be passing out any bulletins, they will still be emailed to you, nor will we be passing the offering plates. You may give when you come, but we will ask you to place your offering in the baskets provided on your way out of the service.


This is certainly a changing situation - none of us thought we would be able to have church together this soon.  That also means that we will of necessity be adjusting as we move through the days ahead.  I appreciate your understanding and flexibility as we communicate these changes to you.




Pastor Robert Wall




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